We need to thank our excellent cover artist and authors. Hurray for our creatives!
We need to thank our excellent editors and tech staff. Thank you for all your hard work!
And most of all, we need to thank our readers! Woo hoo! We wouldn't exist without you!
Thank you, everyone!
30 November 2021
Huzzah! It lives!
23 November 2021
Happy Thanksgiving!

We're taking a couple days off for the holiday...
Coming next week, November 30, 2021, a new issue of Electric Spec!
16 November 2021
Nov 2021 TOC Sneak Peak!
- The Tasting by D.A. D'Amico
- A Perfect Day for Monkeyfish by Richie Narvaez
- Willa's Gambit by L.J. Lacey
- The Universal Rule of Doors by Calie Voorhis
- The Exorcism of Lily Quinn by Claire Schultz
- The Most Wonderful Time by Michael Merriam
09 November 2021
Nov 2021 Cover Sneak Peak!

Neat! Check out his bio on our Artists page. Check the whole issue on November 30, 2021!
02 November 2021
Marvelous Meeting of Production!
Thus, all authors who submitted for the notable November 2021 issue should have heard back from us by now. Authors of accepted stories should have received an initial email from your editor, including a contract. Please send back the contract ASAP, so we can start working on your story! Yes, we are excited! I hope accepted authors will also take us up on the offer to blog--stay tuned for that, as well.
I did hear back from some authors already and very much appreciate their alacrity and enthusiasm! Woo hoo! Thank you, authors.
If you submitted a story, but it wasn't accepted: Thank you, author! We appreciate you, as well!
Starting next week, I'll start previewing the new issue here. Should be fun!