25 January 2007

Interview with Betsy!

So, I'm sitting here in cyberspace with Betsy Dornbusch, author of "Death by Submission" which will appear in the new January 31 Issue of Electric Spec. Betsy, it's quite a coup to be chosen for the prestigious Editor's Corner.

Thanks, it's an honor, of course.

How does it feel?

I'm very exited about seeing my work in Espec. Or, maybe it's because I'm looking forward to watching the Xgames live and snowboarding in Aspen this weekend. Hard to tell.

Can you tell us about the arduous selection process for Editors Corner?

As I recall, the rest of the editors lubricated me with several beers and
suggested it was my turn to put something in. This piece is the only finished thing I don't currently have in circulation.

What was your motivation for this story?

Whiskey and Robitussin.

Wait, is "Death by Submission" a true story?

Parts are. Of course, my dog would sleep through my murder, so I had to make myself up a dog who wouldn't.

You didn't actually eat any lo-cal salad dressing did you?

Salad dressing? Hell, I don't even eat salad.

So...are you a ghost now?

Er... that's kind of personal, isn't it?

What's that like?

Really, I thought we agreed before the interview not to broach incriminating subjects.

But seriously, I really enjoyed "Death by Submission" because it's the most Betsy-like thing I've ever read! How did you get your writer's voice to shine through in this story?

Gee, do I really sound like this, so cynical and rude and deserving of murder? I mean, it's what I'm always going for as an editor, but I had no idea that I'd achieved it. :) Actually, I wrote it as a joke for my critique group. Apparently, some of them took it seriously!

Aren't you primarily a novelist? Do you think novelists should write short fiction? Why?

Yeah, I primarily write novels. Of course, as the short story is one of the most difficult genres, I think it's a great exercise for any writer. It also has a better potential for quicker pay-off than novels.

My short stories are usually about the larger themes in my novels. It's a way to explore them within manageable confines and define them more succinctly. But then, whenever I have trouble with my writing, I tend to throw more writing at it. Maybe other, smarter writers take a walk or something.

Is there anything else you'd like to tell our readers?

Thanks for reading! Writing is like pregnancy, the piece isn't really born until someone like you reads it!


Thank you. This was a lot of fun!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for a wonderfully funny interview. Best one I've read online. Can't wait to see Betsy's story "in print" when the anniversary issue of Electric Spec comes out on 1/31. Hey, that issue has yet another famous-person interview in it, doesn't it? Wow, we are riding a wave!

Anonymous said...

I really object to this post. Someone out there is going to think the editors at Electric Spec have a sense of humor, which, of course, couldn't be true. Editors are stuffy, obnoxious people who get their jollys by saying "no" all the time and ruining people's lives. In fact, I don't think I can take any more rejections. What was Betsy's home address again? I have something I'd like to . . . er . . . show her.