07 January 2008

Writing on Reading: Ship of Fools

Recently I read Ship of Fools by Richard Paul Russo. It was good. The protagonist was intriguing, the world-building was very good and the plot was pretty good. In a nut shell, the characters wander around in an oligarchical spaceship. The first line was intriguing: "We had not made landfall in more than fourteen years." They did seem like a pathetic ship of fools, afraid to leave their spaceship, and more specifically, the oligarchy didn't want to loose its power.

The more I thought about it though, the more depressing it got: isn't this the exact situation we all live in? We travel through the galaxy on a spaceship called Earth, ruled by rich people who care only about themselves and their wealth? What a relevant book! Send Electric Spec your relevant stories for our June 2008 issue!

Now that we are in production mode for the first 2008 issue, I promise to blog on the Electric Spec issue and submissions in the near future.

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