I consider myself fairly knowledgeable when it comes to epic fantasy authors, but, for some reason, Canadian author R. Scott Bakker (pictured here) has been off my radar. I picked up a used copy of The Darkness that Comes Before because I wanted a nice, think fantasy to take with me on a long plane trip. Since I was not familiar with Bakker, it felt like a bit of a risk trying a new author while trapped in a cigar box, but hey--I can be an adventurous guy sometimes.
I'm happy to report that The Darkness that Comes Before did not disappoint. I loved the detailed and original fantasy world, the interesting variety of characters, and the intelligent bits of philosophy strewn throughout. The prose was well-written, and the plot multifaceted. My only real criticism of the book was the ending. I did not feel that Bakker had resolved enough plot threads when I reached the "end" of the book. Still, I'm interested enough to go on to the next book in the series when I get a chance.
Thanks, D! I love new author recommendations! BTW, what's a "think fantasy"? :)
Knowing Dave, I'm guessing he meant thiCk fantasy. Just a guess...
Hey, I studied that guy's face for a minute to see if it was a younger Dave with bleached hair... heh.
And "thick" is correct--another reason why I'll never get a job as a copy editor.
Yeah, but you're eerily good at finding it in other people's work, just not your own.
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