10 December 2009

Electric Spec Author Featured in Locus

The December issue of Locus features a great interview with our own Nina Kirki Hoffman, whose story "Larger than Life," appears in the latest issue of Electric Spec. The rest of our authors are named (but not, alas, interviewed) in the December issue in the "magazines received" section. Yes, folks, Electric Spec is your ticket to fame (if not fortune).


Dale Carothers said...

What does "magazines received" mean? Does that mean that we'll be reviewed? I emailed them about the current issue last month (I emailed SFRevu as well) and hoped that it would lead to a review or a mention in Locus. Though I don't know if it was my email that led to the review in SFRevu & mention in Locus, I'd imagine that Electric Spec gets reviewed on a regular basis.

David E. Hughes said...

I talked to one of the Locus editors at WorldCon the year before last about this. Apparently, being in the "magazines received" section increases the chance we will get reviewed, but that has not happened yet. I have sent requests to the reviewers there in the past and have not gotten any response. However, maybe if enough people request reviews that will eventually happen. Thanks, Dale.

Betsy Dornbusch said...

We've been listed in Locus for two issues? Three? And we did see a review in SFRevu too, so thanks. :) I think sometimes it helps if they see someone besides the editors submitting.