07 February 2017

successful production meeting

We recently had a successful production meeting for the fabulous February 28, 2017 issue of Electric Spec. If you sent us a story for consideration: Thank You!

We've started emailing authors in the hold-for-voting list with the good or bad news. If you sent us a story between October 15, 2016 and Jan 15, 2017 and you haven't heard from us by the end of this week...bad news: your story likely got lost in cyberspace.
To reiterate: authors in hold-for-voting will hear from us this week.

As usual, it was a very tough time picking stories. Some behind the scenes discussion included:

  • Humor is tricky because it is very situational. We have authors and readers from all over the world--which is a good thing--but it means humor doesn't always translate.
  • Flash fiction (roughly speaking, fiction less than ~1000 words) is tricky because it's difficult to tell a complete story in that kind of page real estate. But we do have a flash story for the next issue.
  • If the protagonist is not sympathetic, readers (and hence editors) are less likely to like a story. Ideally, your characters have both good and bad qualities.
  • Stories over ~5500 words were not popular with editors because it's more work to edit them.
Once again, we hope to get some new authors blogging here this month. So, stay tuned for that!
I better get back to work putting the issue together.

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