15 August 2023

From Author Spahn

We are excited to announce one of our featured stories in the awesome August 2023 Electric Spec is "Eye Contact" by A.C. Spahn. A.C. was kind enough to send us some comments about the story:

I was diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum at the age of thirty. It answered a lot of questions about the way my brain works, and it explained multiple experiences I had growing up, but for years it didn't make it into my writing.

Then, as such ideas generally arrive at random moments, I had the first inkling of "Eye Contact" while brushing my teeth. At first I thought it might be a horror story about a house coming to life with nightmare body parts, but that didn't fire my interest. Then, a few days later, I wondered, "What would I do if an eyeball suddenly opened in my floor right now?" My answer came immediately: "Have a meltdown." I thought, "That's probably pretty relatable." And so, for the first time, one of my characters became neurodiverse.

The rest of the story fell into place over time, from realizing the main character's art preferences to recognizing the need for humor. Thematically, it might hit you as being "about" various things, depending on your own life experiences. I'll keep its exact personal meaning to myself, but in general, I think it's an exploration of the faces we wear when others are looking at us, how we move between them, and whether they can ever integrate into a whole.

It's one of my weirdest pieces to date, and I cherish it immensely. I'm so excited for Electric Spec to share it with you. Thank you for reading, and take good care of your giant eyeballs.

Interesting! Thanks, A.C.! Be sure to check out all the new stories on Aug 31, 2023!

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