18 February 2025

From Author Bondoni

We're excited to feature "Peace Between the Tribes" by Gustavo Bondoni in our fabulous February 2025 issue of Electric Spec. Gustavo was kind enough to send us some comments.

I'm an almost incurable optimist, so when it comes to writing about space, I'm generally the guy who takes it as a given that humanity will reach the stars and establish itself in the wider galaxy. This story is a clear example of that, but it also showcases my conviction that it's going to be a bumpy ride. If human history has taught us anything is that we never seem to be in a place where everything is good for everyone at the same time, so there will always be conflicts to overcome. That means there will always be stories to tell. Asking what if led me to this tale.

My writing process can be pretty much boiled down to two maxims: read as much as you can and write as much as you can. I've often tried to hit wordcount goals, but sometimes my schedule (job, kids, other interests) makes it impossible to hit them. My ideal is 2000 words a day, every weekday, but I can't hit that every day lately. Still, the thing is to get at least a few in and not lose the habit. Because once you lose the habit it's twice as hard to restart the process. At least for me!

Interesting! Thanks, Gustavo! Be sure to check out "Peace Between the Tribes" and the rest of the stories on February 28th!

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