06 August 2024

Production Meeting Report

Phew! We through all the slush for the awesome August 2024 issue of Electric Spec! The editors ranked the finalists. We had a successful production meeting! Woo hoo!

What this means for authors: you should be hearing from us very soon if you haven't already. Please check your spam/junk folders! Authors that get good news will also get a contract. Please send this back ASAP so we can start editing your story.

It's odd. We often get similar stories in an issues's hold-for-voting. This time, for example, we had two very nice zombie stories. But we can't publish more than one zombie story in an issue, so one had to go. :(
Authors are often unaware of such concerns.

I better get back to work on the new issue! Soon, I'll start bragging about the new issue in this very spot!

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