07 August 2008

Late Night at WorldCon

You aren't actually "doing" WorldCon, apparently, unless you're doing the parties. So, in the interest of research, I headed over alone. A bit awkward, to say the least, but the DAW party at the SFWA suite was worth the price of admission (a 3 block walk from my hotel). Once there, I met quite a few agents and editors, lots of writers, and lots of fans. I ended up talking to, and getting adopted by, being alone as I was, an author called John Moore. John writes funny romps through fairy tale fantasy and is well-connected in the WorldCon, er, world. I also met Joshua Bilmes, his agent, who writes an interesting film blog over here. I chatted with WorldCon's Toastmaster, Wil McCarthy, who is as funny in person as he is on stage, and much taller.

Almost the highlight of my night (eclipsed only by getting to tell David) I had a short chat with George RR Martin late in the evening. The most accessible of the Big Names in Fantasy, he was standing in the hall, looking a little lonely and a very much hot, just like the rest of us. (The party hotel is apparently not thrilled with being the party hotel, so they're trying to sweat us out, I guess.) I'd heard his reading earlier in the day, and if a man was ever meant to read his own writing aloud, it's Mr. Martin.

The folks from the local sci fi groups (sheesh, can't recall the name. I suck) were partying it up in our own suite, and I met the woman in charge of programming at MileHiCon. Nice to finally put faces to email addresses.

Okay, tomorrow's another day (and night). Tuning out.


Bernita said...

You met George R.R Martin?
~turning a violent green~

Betsy Dornbusch said...

Yes I did. And I heard him read from a new story, and read an excerpt from his new book. Very kind, nice man.