27 September 2022

Writing Culture

Continuing the discussion of Matthew Salesses' Craft in the Real World, he makes a great point about writing about one's culture. When workshopping you can get confusing advice about writing the sensory details of a culture:
  1. Choose "striking" or "lasting" or "unusual" (or so forth) details.
  2. Leave out unnecessary of "common" details.
  3. Defamiliarize the familiar.

I say write what you want, and don't explain anything. At Electric Spec we have had many writers from numerous different countries and if a reader is occasionally a little confused, so be it. :)
What do you think?

20 September 2022

What is a story?

What is a story? I recently read a very interesting book Craft in the Real World: Rethinking Fiction Writing and Workshopping by Matthew Salesses. Salesses says "Craft is part of the history of Western empire...What we call craft is in fact nothing more or less than a set of expectations. ...These expectations are never neutral. They represent the values of the culturally dominant population..."

Wow! While this is very obvious in hindsight, I'd never thought about it this way before.
A writer (in the culturally-dominant Western population) might say a story is: a protagonist with a problem acts to solve that problem and either succeeds or fails. Said problem could be: man against man, man against nature, or man against self.
The idea that the protagonist has power over his/her life is definitely part of this culturally-dominant paradigm.

In fact, a story could be something, anything else.
What do you, think a story is?

13 September 2022

Basking in the Glow

We're still basking in the glow of the awesome August 2022 issue of Electric Spec. There's so much fun fiction to enjoy!
  • "Widow's Pass" by Si Wang
  • "Speak Me in Passing" by Tyree Campbell
  • "The Tailor of Gloomwick" by Lisa Voorhees
  • "For the Love of Earth" by Dawn Bonanno
  • "A Brief Accounting of All the Times I Thought I Was Pregnant" by Rachel Rodman
  • "VEND3000" by Hannah O'Doom
Which is your favorite? I can't decide! :)

06 September 2022

From Author Rodman

We are excited to feature "A Brief Accounting of All of the Times I Thought I was Pregnant" by Author Rachel Rodman in the awesome August 2022 issue of Electric Spec. Rachel was kind enough to send along some comments about the story.

“A Brief Accounting of All of the Times I Thought I was Pregnant” began as a twin to a second story, “Men I Have Given a Fish”: https://brilliantflashfiction.com/2022/01/31/january-2022/. I wrote both in the spring of 2021.

I continue to think of both as featuring the same character, shaped by different story conceits. In “A Brief Accounting…” the creative challenge in each section was to succinctly present a pregnancy scare/hope, while also moving the larger story forward. In “Men…”, the challenge in each section was to succinctly intertwine a description of a dysfunctional relationship with a different fish, while also moving the story forward.

In the end, though, these became very different stories. What absolutely defines the main character in “Men” is still important in “Brief.” As composition proceeded, though, this trait evolved to become almost a misdirection. In the end, what really defines this second character, through space, time, and a series of increasingly weird hobbies, cults, jobs, and social groups, is her absolute dedication to something—someone—else.

The stakes in each story are also very different. In “Men” they are personal; in “Brief,” they are cosmic, spiritual, AND personal. At the same time, each story ends on a similar note. Whether everything--or anything--will work out is unclear. In each case, too, the character and the reader perceive this ambiguity differently. Where the character is hardwired to hope, the reader is more skeptical.

For the writer, of course, both of these stories have the same sort of happy ending: publication. Both twins found excellent homes. I was delighted to have “Men I Have Given a Fish” accepted by Brilliant Flash Fiction and I am delighted that “A Brief Accounting of All of the Times I Thought I was Pregnant” will appear in Electric Spec.

Thanks, Rachel! Very interesting!
Be sure to check out "A Brief Accounting of All of the Times I Thought I was Pregnant" and all the rest of the August 2022 stories!