30 April 2009

Sawyer's Flash Forward on TV

If any of you watched Lost on TV last night, you saw the weird flashes with "What did you see?" during the commercial breaks. What the heck was that? I found out they were teasers for the new series based on Robert Sawyer's novel Flash Forward. Read about the teasers: here. Read my interview of Robert Sawyer for Electric Spec in the Volume 3, Issue 1, February 28, 2008 issue.


Deb S said...

I missed the teasers last night. I usually hit mute and read during commercials. But I'm always excited for any sci-fi TV- Boyfriend Eternal sighes and shakes head as usual.

lesleylsmith said...

Hey, Deb S. That's funny; I read during commercials, too. They are so long now!