08 February 2022

From Author Lombardi

And now the fun begins... I get to start bragging about our fabulous upcoming issue of Electric Spec. We are excited to feature "The Dream-Quest of Sphinx" by Bruno Lombardi. Bruno was kind enough to send along some comments about his story.

The genesis of this story came about as a twitter post, specifically this one: https://twitter.com/MicroSFF/status/1402385207068614659.

I absolutely adored the microfiction and decided it deserved a full story. As it may be obvious from the submitted Sphinx story, I'm a big Neil Gaiman fan.

"Sphinx" is based on a dearly departed cat of mine, also named Sphinx.

About 6 years ago, I had to make a rather painful decision and put my cat Sphinx to sleep. He had had a lot of health issues and, alas, it became too much for him. I had had him for about 10 years at that point. We were never able to ascertain exactly how old he was, as he was a starving stray cat I found outside my apartment one day. Best guess was that he was about 5 years old and had clearly been abandoned.

This story was essentially the result of a confluence of different factors: giving my cat Sphinx a nice send-off, so to speak; trying my hand at doing a pastiche of Gaiman and Lovecraft; and working on my urban fantasy writing skills.

I was worried that it wouldn't be terribly good but I was apparently proven incorrect.

I suppose that dovetails nicely into the one piece of advice I can give to other writers: don't be scared to experiment, as you are often your worst critic.

Thanks a lot, Bruno! Very interesting!
Be sure to check out "The Dream-Quest of Sphinx" and the other stories on February 28!

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