16 February 2023

From Author Genia

We are excited to feature "Hecesiiteihii" by Author Jim Genia in the fabulous February 2023 issue of Electric Spec. Jim was kind enough to send along some comments about the story.

The differences between the various Plains tribes can be great, but one common denominator is a shared mythology around the menace of "the little people." From tiny tricksters to predators that would eat both wayward children and unwary warriors alike, these dwarf-like creatures are believed to have once been a grave threat to mankind's survival--so much so that the various tribes were forced to unite against them in a Great War. By the end of this costly conflict (which predated the arrival of the White Man to North America), the tribes of men were victorious, and the little people were more or less wiped out.

But what if there were survivors?

The near-genocide of an entire race is a heavy burden to bear for anyone. What if that burden were to rest upon the shoulders of an Indigenous culture that would eventually suffer a similar fate at the hands of the White Man?

Speculative fiction is full of tales of vampires and werewolves roaming about the modern world. It's time Native American myths and legends had their day in the literary sun.

Thanks, Jim. Very interesting!
Be sure to check out "Hecesiiteihii" and the rest of the stories on February 28, 2023!

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