14 May 2024

From the May 2024 cover artist

We're excited about our cover art for the marvelous May 2024 issue of Electric Spec. The artist Barbara Candiotti was kind enough to send us some comments about it:

The art piece "The Journey" depicts two riders in a deep desert canyon headed toward a sparkling city. The scene could be on Earth or another planet. Are the riders headed home or visiting, or is the town a mirage? Ultimately, it's up to the viewer to decide. What do you think? If asked to write a story about the scene would it be a fantasy, science fiction or speculative fiction story? Personally, I imagine the scene taking place on a fantasy world and the riders are bearing exotic wares to trade with the townsfolk ahead of them.

Thanks, Barbara! Very interesting!
So, without further ado here's a sneak peek:

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