20 August 2024

From Author Walker

We are pleased the author of "The Dragon Sheperd," George Walker, in the awesome August 2024 issue of Electric Spec sent us some comments about the story:

Some writers are plotters (they work out the story details in advance). Others are pantsers (they write by the seat of their pants and develop the story as they go along). I'm a pantser.

"The Dragon Shepherd" started when I visualized a dragon roasting over a fire, with men sitting around it.
I needed conflict so I added a girl walking up to them and saying, "That's mine."
The characters grew out of the dialogue between them. As the characters grew, I discovered why they were there and where they came from.

Then I needed an ending. This is where plotters have an advantage because they know the ending before they begin.
Endings are important!
Since I didn't, I went through a process of trial and error to think of an ending that made sense and yet was (hopefully) a surprise.
And I wanted the ending to be satisfying to the reader. Unless it's a horror story, the sympathetic character(s) should come out ahead.
Then I filled in the gaps in between, and voila, I had a story.
On to the next one!

Interesting! Thanks, George!
Readers, be sure to check out all the August 2024 stories!

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