29 October 2019

Happy Halloween!

The Electric Spec Editors have pretty much finished going through the initial slush pile. What this means to you: if you submitted during the current window July 16 through October 15, 2019 (U.S. Mountain Daylight time), you should have gotten or will be getting, an initial email very soon. This initial email says: 'No, thanks,' or 'Stay tuned.' We've gotten some feedback that people don't like to hear they made it past the first cut, but this is how we do it.

We have our Production Meeting scheduled for this Saturday Nov 2. We all meet in person and fight it out. Everyone has their story favorites so it can be an interesting meeting. Anyway, by the beginning of next week, we will have finalized the stories for the issue. We will email all the 'Stay tuned' folks as well. 'Yes' folks will get a contract. 'No' folks will get a 'No, thanks.'

It's always tough to reject a story. We do sincerely appreciate you sending us your works of art.
Hopefully, everyone is enjoying the fall season.

Happy Halloween!

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