03 May 2022

Boogie Pop Phantom

We had the Production Meeting for the marvelous May 31, 2022 issue of Electric Spec over the weekend--in person! It was amazing to see everyone in four dimensions. :) We had a wide-ranging discussion including family stuff, favorite books read, and of course, many topics related to Electric Spec. I'm happy to report, two of the editors have a new kitten named Boogie Pop Phantom! :)
One of the editors will be presenting in Denver in September at the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers 2022 annual conference, including giving writing tips for short stories. (Registration is now open.)

We had an extensive discussion on story length. It is difficult to write a complete story in less than 1000 words. Please do make sure your story has an ending and doesn't just peter out. At the other extreme, we received at lot of stories this time over 5000 words. More words are not always better. Our submission policy does permit submissions of up to 7000 words, but that doesn't mean editors want to edit such a long tale. I'd say the sweet spot is between 2500 words and 4500 words...

Thank you authors for sending us your stories!
Folks who were rejected should have heard back from us by now. (Sorry!)
Most of the folks who were accepted have heard back from us, with a couple of exceptions. This notification will include a contract. (Yay!) Once we receive that back we'll starte editing your story.

Next time, here, I'll start bragging about the new issue!

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